Easy-peasy rolls for breakfast!
Surprise your family with these crunchy, fluffy, perfect rolls for breakfast. 🙂 You can also bake these at any other time of the day, but you should let the dough rise in the fridge for at least 6 hours. So it has become my friday night routine, to prepare the dough- before I go to bed. This enables us to have fresh rolls on Saturday mornings. I have prepared these for pretty much every Saturday (sometimes even Saturday AND sunday) morning, since summer 2020.
I’m telling you, these rolls in addition to a freshly brewed coffee- is as good as it gets. Happiness in every bite. Literally. So here’s what you need:
Recipe for 8-10 easy-peasy rolls for breakfast
- 325 ml of water
- 20 gr of fresh yeast/ half a cube / one package of dried yeast
- 1 tsp of sugar
- 400 gr of all purpose flour
- 100 gr of spelt flour or another wholemeal flour
- (optional) 15 gr of oats
- 2 tsp of salt
- 2 tsp of baking malt
Mix the water, the yeast and the sugar until the yeast has dissolved. Then add the remaining ingredients into a dough. If the dough is too sticky, you can add some extra all purpose flour. Then transfer into an airtight container, which can be washed in the dishwasher. Put the container into the fridge overnight, or for at least 6 hours!
Next morning:
Fill a heatproof bowl with water and position it on the bottom of your oven. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. It is very important to do this- before you touch the dough. It is essential that the oven is hot enough, when the rolls are ready to go into the oven. Get a baking sheet out and a package of flour to use, when the dough is a little too sticky after the time in the fridge. Sprinkle the dough with a little bit of flour and then separate the dough into 8-10 parts. The extra flour prevents the dough from sticking to your hands. Position the rolls on a baking sheet and leave some room between these. Those will rise and spread a little bit in the oven.
You can cut shapes on top of the rolls, or just leave them, as they are, once you have rolled them into little balls. If you want to fancy these rolls up – a little bit, you can spread water and some sesame or poppyseeds on top. Alternatively, you could also add grated cheese and make yourself some cheese rolls.
We absolutely loooooove these rolls. The simple version – without anything on top. Heavenly. 🙂 I hope you will give these a try.
Love and Happiness,