Hazelnut plum jam tartlets
Sometimes I have a specific flavour combination, which I have in mind, want to create and then I have to bake right now. This happened, when I thought of these tartlets. I still had plums and peaches in the fridge – from our garden and I still wanted to use these. Since there were just a couple of fruits left, this was not enough for a cake. Additionally, I just wanted to create something small, delicious for our late afternoon coffee. So I made some tartlets again, which are so much fun to prepare and sooo delicious.
Hazelnut flavored dough, seasoned plum jam and fresh peaches. It’s a divine combination of flavors and textures. The dough is crunchy; the jam is silky and packed with vanilla and cinnamon aroma and the peaches add a nice fresh and juicy touch.
Recipe for 4 hazelnut plum jam tartlets:
- 30 grams of ground hazelnut
- 90 grams Flour
- 60 grams of cold (vegan) Butter
- 25 grams of brown sugar
- 1/2 a tsp of Vanilla extract
- a pinch of salt
- 1/2 -1 tbsp of Ice water
- 150 grams of plum jam (Check out my recipe of homemade plum jam or use the store bought version)
- 3-4 little peaches
- powdered sugar for dusting
- roasted hazelnuts (optional)
Cut the butter into cubes and add these together with the flour and the ground hazelnuts into a mixer. It’s best to combine all the ingredients with a mixer, since the heat of the hands will melt the butter in the dough and we want to keep the butter as cold as possible for this recipe. This creates a great dough for the tartlets! Add the sugar, the vanilla extract and the salt. Mix everything into a dough and add ice water by the teaspoon. I usually just need 2-4 tsp of ice water to make the dough come together nicely.

Mix, until the ingredients are transforming into a batter. Then take the dough, wrap it up in cling film and let this rest in the fridge for 30-90 minutes. Grease your tartlets baking pans. Roll out the dough between two sheets of baking paper. Fill the tarte pans with the dough and polk holes into the dough, by using a fork. Then the excessive air can get out, instead of raising the dough, where it should not rise. Fill each tartlets with a generous amount of plum jam. The tartlets should be well filled, but should not overflow with jam. We still want to add peaches to the top. To make this even prettier and even more flavorful.
Bake in the preheated oven(180 degrees) for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Let the tartlets sit in the pans until these have cooled down. I used the tartlets pans from @chefmade_official. Which are great!!
After the tartlets have cooled down, transfer these to a big plate and sprinkle these with roasted hazelnuts and powdered sugar. This is optional, but it adds a lovely textures to the tartlets.
Let me know, how you liked these hazelnut plum jam tartlets and check out the other delicious recipes on the blog.
Love and Happiness,