

I am very excited to welcome you to my blog! Friends have been telling me to start a blog for quite a while now and I have been hesitating to start one so far. But I felt it was time to make some changes, so here I am at my dining table, setting up my blog. Writing these first lines….. Let me tell you, I am very excited.

I have always loved to bake and cook and I have also loved to try new recipes and accustom those to our taste. I usually make changes to recipes, partly because my family does not eat everything. But also since I think some tweaks here and there and another level of flavor cannot harm a dish, it just adds on to a fuller combination of flavors. Due to Corona and the time at home, my baking and cooking has improved a lot. So here I am, sharing my recipes, which I prepare for my family, with you. I hope you will enjoy these as much as we do.

Love and Happiness,


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